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║ Marcus Skye Lewis ║
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║ Team Leader for Tough Projects ║
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║ marcus[at]smgmobile.com ║
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║ —————— ║
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║ CEO SMG Mobile / Smart Applications ║
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║ CSO The Justin Morgan Company ║
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║ MAJOR U.S. Army Reserve ║
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║ · Executive Leader ║
║ · Producer ║
║ · Strategist ║
║ · Manager ║
║ · Consultant & Craftsman ║
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║ I excel leading teams of producers, ║
║ engineers, artisans, business developers ║
║ & marketers from the start to the finish ║
║ of a project. ║
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║ No problem too big or small to solve... ║
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║ Time is money, so let's get in touch! ║
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